quantified variable造句
- Polytypes are syntactically equal up to renaming their quantified variables.
- In this form, all existentially-quantified variables are replaced by Skolem functions.
- The syntax may also support the declaration of existentially quantified variables local to the let expression.
- The sound resolution to this problem is to syntactically link these expressions to an existentially quantified variable.
- has bounded quantification, the universally quantified variable ranges over, the existentially quantified variable ranges over the powerset of.
- It's difficult to find quantified variable in a sentence. 用quantified variable造句挺难的
- has bounded quantification, the universally quantified variable ranges over, the existentially quantified variable ranges over the powerset of.
- quantified variables, which eventually became ubiquitous in mathematics and logic, and which solved the problem of multiple generality.
- "' Combinatory logic "'is a notation to eliminate the need for quantified variables in mathematical logic.
- No axiom requires more than three quantified variables; hence a translation of first order theories into relation algebra is possible.
- The proof is constructive, and provides values for the existentially quantified variables : these values constitute the output of the computation.
- The PFL translation of the canonical axiomatic set theory ZFC is not difficult, as no ZFC axiom requires more than 6 quantified variables.
- Once a quantified variable is replaced by a type application, this specialization cannot be undone through another substitution as it was possible for quantified variables.
- Once a quantified variable is replaced by a type application, this specialization cannot be undone through another substitution as it was possible for quantified variables.
- After deciding a value for all quantified variables, the machine accepts if the resulting Boolean formula evaluates to true, and rejects if it evaluates to false.
- One can use any variable as a quantified variable in place of any other, under certain restrictions in which " variable capture " does not occur.
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